October 12, 2012

Light Sabre Cakes

Luke and Ben (6)

These light-sabre cakes were done by simply cutting a rectangular cake into strips, arranging them, icing them in bright colours and adding matching glow sticks down both sides of each cake!

You can see the glow sticks in this picture:

Luke and Ben (9)

Jungle Theme Baby Shower Cake


I never got to see this cake fully assembled.  I made all the elements, then it was picked up and transported 4 hours away where they put it together.


Bottom Zebra Tier

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Top Giraffe Tier


Baby Giraffe and Baby Monkey.

October 9, 2012

Boxing Cake

Boxing cake 2

Boxing gloves sculpted from fondant.  The sides of the cake are made to look like the boxing ring with 4 posts and ropes drapes around.

October 4, 2012

Matching Grad cakes


2 girls in our homeschool group graduated so I did matching cakes for them both.